full morning of nothing but the rolling sea, a covering of serious
looking rain clouds and a stiff southerly breeze, 'are we going the
right way'. Close to noon the sky cleared and the sunbathers descended
on the 'bird-watching deck' in numbers, but if they were the reason c3
Flying Fish did glide across the surface at the same time. As the lunch
gong struck, most decanted to the Veranda Restaurant when half way
through the meal Shelagh pointed and shouted "BIRD".
The 3 of us grabbed our Bins from the table bringing them to bear
with all the other diners shouting, as if one, "what is it"? Most definitely a TROPICBIRD
but uttering a reply for me at least was hampered by a mouthful of Cheddar and dried apricot.
played a huge part in gaining these images as I was hemmed in by other
tables and chairs, people were tooing and froing with their food and the
bird stayed for just a matter of minutes.
Anyway, here it is the only excitement of another day
I believe to be a RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD going by what little of the
vermiculations that can be seen at the base of the upper wing and the
stout, long bill. This is still very much under discussion, as Brian and
Shelagh NEED White-tailed Tropicbird, it makes no difference to my
EUGENE my Cabin Steward was sick to death of the story by the time he had finished in my cabin - sorry matey!