Having given Bob and Zep a fair crack of the whip across our humble
trilogy thus far, we thought it appropriate to clue it up with a riff of a similar nature from Pink Floyd.
High Hopes
as they always were:-
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young, in a world of magnets and miracles. Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary, the ringing of the division bell had begun!
found in the manifold area with eggs 120 miles from land may have been a spoof by one of them there Roughnecks??
Rule Number One = You don't give The Hammer the run-around even if you do happen to be a
on the Helicopter Safety Netting before catching a second in the Moon Pool (the central square cut out of the centre of the rig through which the pipework runs to the seabed)
(a juvenile as wide as we are tall - and there's the distant Standby Boat the Far Seeker)
across the years.
Along the long road and on down the Causeway, do they still meet there by the cut? There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps, running before time took their dreams away! Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground, to a life consumed by slow decay.
Pink Floyd from the album - The Division Bell
(Syrphus Ribsii)
but not the
most likely Gull assisted? and unfortuneately, like many, many others a deceased male
and a final flurish of
and female
to name but a few.
After my departure from the Buchan Alpha and the North Sea altogether, to persue further travels, Dave Penny confidently took over the reins adding
with photographic evidence and not surprisingly as
from the America's an addition to the North Sea List,
along with a second
image from the archive as having lost the original.
until the unfortunate demise of the North Sea Bird Club - all that money swilling about in that industry and they couldn't sustain the club despite it being an integral part of Aberdeen Univercity??