Thursday, 4 August 2011

Where In The World - Part Two

Finally, I've managed to pull all the strings together and am in The Swan (JD Wetherspoons) Pub in Weymouth having a steak and glass of wine before catching the National Express coach to the airport. The next time of writing should see me in foreign parts with some new bird photographs to publish, but for now here is another selection from the archive.

Giant Antpitta

Nazca Booby

Shining Sunbeam

Nile Crocodile

Banded Dotterel

Collared Trogon

Lava Heron

Pale-mandibiled Aracari

Cape (Pintado) Petrel

Great Thrush

White-capped Dipper

Toucan Barbet

Blue-footed Booby

Empress Brilliant

Grey-hooded Gull

Floreana Giant Tortoise

Inca (Green) Jay

Northern Giant Petrel

Blackburnian Warbler

White-fronted Tern