Firstly I can report that I am again back home from my wanderings, and secondly we are suffering some camera and computer difficulties. Not unsolvable I shouldn't think, but for the time being we will have to rely on some photographs from the last 2 weeks bombing around central England. There is also an update on the StatCounter and finally I picked my daughter Julie,Son 'out law' Nigel and grandson Lee from Heathrow Airport this afternoon after their month long stay with sister Lisa, brother in law Bernard and nephew / cousin Frederick in, and around, Sydney, Australia. For my part I simply managed not to get lost, a bit of a miracle in itself.
Today's 'country' Stat Counter makes interesting reading as we welcome Nigeria, Israel, Jersey and Jamaica to the readership. In addition Barbados have also joined the list with an incredible 16 readers on the first 'hit'. I have to admit to a great feeling of reaching across the world, and hope that you will all pass the 'link' on to your friends and families. THANK YOU!