Friday, 13 May 2011

Jo Lawrence to TE Lawrence

Firstly, an apology for a few technical problems I have no idea how to sort out, so have recruited some outside help. To start with we lost the Stat Counter, followed by yesterday's post that disappeared altogether so hopefully it can be fixed soon?

Jo and I decided to spend the day searching for wildlife in a woodland habitat today so headed for the east of the county and Oakers Wood and the Wareham Forest. Once again the weather conditions were ideal with mostly sunshine, a light breeze and a slight chill to the air. On the way we called into the village of Moreton, which has featured on these pages before, but as one of the most interesting places in the county we are happy to bring it to you again.

Some of the old dwellings in the village

and one of the surviving old telephone boxes now sadly gone from our towns and villages.

Jo outside one of the cottages.

The Ford

and the village church which was bombed and badly damaged in the Second World War.

As a result of this the replacement of the windows and there design was handed over to artist and engraver Rex Whistler with these images showing the result.

Jo with one of the hassocks depicting a Pied Wagtail and a Grey Wagtail.

Finally in the village we visited the grave of TE Lawrence a.k.a. Lawrence of Arabia.

We also have several more photos of wildlife from out outing today but shortage of time prevents their publication at this time. We hope to be able to bring them to you tomorrow but which time the snags my also be ironed out. Please bear with us - Thank You!