Despite a decent day weather-wise, long sunny periods, little in the way of cloud and wind (in the lee of Weymouth at least) and a warm feel, it was unproductive bird-wise. The cemetery remained devoid while Radipole only came up with mostly the expected
with at least one remaining on the ground!
with a few Bearded Tits along the Loop walk. Crossing the car park and intending to go to Portland, a message arrived to alert me to the Rosy Starling showing well at Lodmoor so it was a quick diversion.
A prolonged search there didn't turn up the bird with all else seen being
A prolonged search there didn't turn up the bird with all else seen being
I see these jet aircraft flying in and out of Hurn (spelt correctly this time I believe) and think they are trainer aircraft. I expect there is someone out there who will let me know. Hoping for a better day tomorrow - see you then!