As this is a transit day here are a few photographs of members the Parrot family I have seen in Australia, some of which are from a previous trip there. I have chosen the Psittacines partly because of their colourful and varied plumage, but mostly to 'bug' Dave (Parrotface) Penney. Dave's absolute passion are the Parrots, as a former breeder, and because of his e-mail when he saw the Australian King Parrot photographs recently, which simply read Greeeeeeeeeeer! My flight is via Bangkok, Thailand which is a 9 hour leg, 3 hours 'stop over' then onward to London, Heathrow which should take a further 12 hours. I feel a WINE coming on.
Crimson Rosella
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Regent Parrot
Double-eyed Fig-Parrot
Red-capped Parrot
Eastern Rosella
Ringneck (Port Lincoln)
Little Corella
Rainbow Lorikeet
Elegant Parrot
Red-collared Lorikeet
The seriously endangered
Carnaby's Black Cockatoo, confined to just a small area within the Stirling Range Mountains of South West Australia.
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
It is hoped to get a post published tomorrow either from one of the airports, or even home.