Or Maybe That Should Read - Raining in My Heart -Buddy Holly?
Again the rain came down over night while the temperature moved in the opposite direction, to a balmy +17°C so not all bad news with hopes high at the Moth Traps! Strangely, as it has been 2 years since the dawn chorus was provided, in the first instance by a
image from the archive, and not recorded on the River Stour, just a stone's throw away, for 6 months or more.
From the Moth Traps totals of 27 spicies x 88 individual Insects withDECEMBER MOTH
added to the Year List with the also rans amounting toSMALL MOTTLED WILLOWalong with a rather lateFLAME
Also within the Solar Panel Compoud it looked as if the unseen
having taken over the late Bronze Age Tumuli as a Sett long agohad been creating othe Earth Works, as feeding stations right across the fenced in area.Gelder Rose
looking Autumnal while at the Posh End of town all the MOLE HILLS
are pebble-dashed.WithACORNS
in abundance this year, where last year ther was not a single one come theJAY's
already in good numbers and
undetaking our rounds down south always paying some attention to theLITTLE OWL
nest site in the Ash stump, just in case, and while the petEMU
was strutting its stuff Rod Hull was trying to fix our TV aerial!
added to the Year List with the also rans amounting toSMALL MOTTLED WILLOWalong with a rather lateFLAME
Also within the Solar Panel Compoud it looked as if the unseen
having taken over the late Bronze Age Tumuli as a Sett long agohad been creating othe Earth Works, as feeding stations right across the fenced in area.Gelder Rose
looking Autumnal while at the Posh End of town all the MOLE HILLS
are pebble-dashed.WithACORNS
in abundance this year, where last year ther was not a single one come theJAY's
already in good numbers and
undetaking our rounds down south always paying some attention to theLITTLE OWL
nest site in the Ash stump, just in case, and while the petEMU
was strutting its stuff Rod Hull was trying to fix our TV aerial!