Saturday, 15 June 2013

Granddad, Granddad You're Lovely - Clive Dunn

An uneventful but 'late' train journey from Derby to Bristol, where I was met at Temple Meads by the family York except for dad who was at work. To introduce the readership
Baggage Attendant
 Youngest son
 Senior Sibling
Snakes and Ladders Champion
 and so for breakfast before Fred was bound for pre-school
while the rest of us embarked on our first nature Trek together.
 Daisies and
 Starlings were found before leaving the garden,
 followed by a Robin in full song.
 The first creature captured in the 
Magnified Insect Box
was a Bee followed by a Wasp allowing us all closer views.
 Quickly released unharmed we then found a 
Wood Pigeon and a
 Grey Squirrel
 before Mummy captured another specimen for close examination.
 This tiny Snail was much easier to get hold of
 and unusually bold staying out of its shell most of the time.
 Alex the Intrepid Bug Hunter
 Yet another Insect for the 'pot'
 then the first totally unassisted photograph from Alex.
 Blue Tit
 and House Sparrow completed the hunt
 with just a little time left for Alex
 and Benjamin to enjoy
all the fun of the local park.
What turned out to be the favourite part of the day was the
giving of presents.
 A brand new pair of binoculars for each of the boys,
 and while at the moment they are a little too large
 it will be all to soon that they grow into them.
Chocolates and Port always seem to work for the parents.