Much to do before my, as yet, not
finalised departure there will be days between now and then when the
archive will be the only source of Blog material. For myself it is
exciting to revisit some of the astonishing places and creatures I have
been privileged to see, and hope that the reader will experience as much
enjoyment. Most of the day has been spent at the lap-top (thank heavens
for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website) but I did manage to
pull myself away foe a couple of hours to share lunch and catch up with
my friend Lesley Brown - good to see you again Les!
BRAMBLING - Portland Bird Observatory
COLLARED DOVE - an infrequent visitor to the Buchan Alpha Oil Rig in the North Sea COMMON REDSTART (male) - PBO
of a 'heart stopper' when this male COMMON CROSSBILL was spotted on BA.
With a patch of white paint, looking every bit like a 'wing bar' at
first glance and a chance of being a rare
Two-barred Crossbill (Wikipedia)
of birds were picked up on the decks of BA, both dead and exhausted, of
the later such as this GOLDCREST were taken below, warmed up offered
water and released.
Casualties, BA
'heaving-line transfer' from our Standby Boat of a chocolate box
reported to contain a Linnet, was found to be this much scarcer LITTLE
bit of a handful, this juvenile GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL was reported
jammed in the Gas Compression Module, not really the day to be
considered the 'expert'! - BA
This exhausted LAPLAND BUNTING was one of c3 on the BA that particular night.
GREENFINCH an annual visitor to BA
Undoubtedly the pièce de résistance of my 20+ years on North Sea Oil Rigs was this SHORT-TOED LARK, and to catch it was another pièce de résistance - BA