at Puerto El Guamache 07:00, ever before the slack was taken up on the
head-ropes BROWN PELICAN were making them a perch and the day was
already warm.
No Birding Pal here and really little by way of direction, so a US$10 taxi ride to seen if some likely habitat could be found
15Km from what is a Oil and Container Terminal (and not at all a likely
berth for a Cruise Ship) there was this endless expanse of dense and
very prickly terrain where the search would start.
flash of brilliant red crossed my eyes as I watched a male VERMILION
CARDINAL disappear, and never return, into the tangle of bushes.
Undeterred, I tried pishing which only brought the female out but only this far.
Plenty of CACTUS here, while just up the road the local rubbish tip was attracting a good number of both
TURKEY VULTUREand BLACK VULTURE neither of which close to any decent range.
However, all was not lost as I turned to see just a slight movement in a nearby bush reviling this nifty
with a freshly caught LIZARD
Raptor was also having an effect on the smaller birds and was being
continuously being 'attacked' by this TROPICAL GNATCATCHER.
About the closes any BLACK VULTURE came today.and a Black BUTTERFLY
With the recent elections in the country it was no surprise to find this CHAVES graffiti all over the place.
MOCKINGBIRD were once again well represented, but it was now a case of
the heat becoming oppressive. I sought some temporary sanctuary in a
local garden under the shade of a huge tree, while the family brought me
water which I poured over my head to cool down. The arrival of a family
friend, in his 'beat up' pickup truck was fortuitous as I was more than
ready to return to the ship for a short siesta. He drove me back!
resting Peter Davies had slipped a note under my cabin door suggesting I
should try the sand and mud flats between the container berth and the
sea-shore which proved profitable.
First up were these NEOTROPIC CORMORANT followed by c3
Any Owl is a bonus to me so they were most welcome and obliging.
Also on the foreshore were good numbers of LEAST SANDPIPER
along with what looked like a SEMI-PALMATED SANDPIPER, right of picture.
A decent size group of about 50
were next but at long distance.
Local Fishermen