The single black bands of cloud of the past 2 days seem to have expanded somewhat today as the whole sky was covered, while the likelihood of rain was more a case of when rather than if! On the Weymouth side it seemed as thought the recent winds had also moderated but it was a different picture over on Portland. Birds too were at a premium, with the small flock of
Black-tailed Godwit at Radipole increasing from 6 to 15,
female Gadwall at Westham Bridge were unusual, not as far as species is concerned but more for being at this location. I missed the first squall, reaching the sanctuary of the Observatory with seconds to spare, but while on the bus home the rain started in earnest effectively putting an end to the day.
Apologies to all our readers for the shortness of today's post, but if they ain't out there then you can't record them. Maybe also of note, is the fact that I have been summonsed to perform a Civic Duty over the next (unknown) number of days. As I see it there will be little or no chance of getting out into 'the field' (Eagle in a Cage) during this period, but hopefully on the bright side this will be a chance to publish some more images from the archive.