REVISITED Today's headline would be a great description of yesterday as we entered the second day of the Rock Festival, so without further ado here are the photies!

The festivities kicked off with a fine set from
The Surfin' Birds as they took us through an array of old rockers such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley and Eddie Cochrane,

as the crowd started to gather.

Just enough time for me to nip across the road to The Swan for a bite of lunch and to enjoy a pint with Harpist (Harmonica) extraordinaire
Nick Gover, who was coincidentally a college mate of Martin Cade now Warden of the Portland Bird Observatory.

Next up with their own brand of Blue Grass, Hillbilly
etc where the most enjoyable
Mad Ox Bros, but that's when

the rain came down, the umbrellas went up and the crowd diminished somewhat, but not for long.

A show such as this would have no chance at all were it not for the tireless efforts of the likes of
Stage Manager Steve Wooldridge,
Presenter Alex Fuhrmann, the son, I only learnt yesterday, of exquisite rock guitarist German Eddie and of course

working hand in glove
Kieth Treggiden General Manager of Weymouth's Number One night spot The Rendezvous (sponsors of the gig) and irrepressible
Producer of the whole thing
Danny (The Immigrant Song) Adams. 
There were lots of youngsters in the crowd, and it's good to know that there is a budding replacement for me, but not just yet thank you.
THE 'HIGHLIGHT' of the whole day for me were this quartet of some of the most accomplished musician and song writers it has ever been my pleasure to encounter. Playing under the banner of
The Darlingtons, they are (from l to r) guitar and backing vocals
Dan Young, drummer
Chris Holmes, guitar & vox
Kiran Roy plus extraordinary bass player
Alex Bispham. Personally, I hope it isn't too long before these fine fellas venture down from Taunton again to thrill us with their own brand of extremely exciting Rock 'n' Roll. Before departing I did predict to them that they would be the next
'Muse' - Watch This Space!

The brilliance of
Alex Bispham, I only wish these 'stills' could show the body language and stage presence.

Now we're in for it, as
The Stompin' Goats took to the stage, bringing with them a great slant on Reggae cum Punk,

while others had their own idea of how to 'get it on'!

I did rather like The Goat's
Bass Guitar.
Jon Storey and I get another chance to get our heads together,

Danny appears to be hitting it off with
Senab vocalist with the band Embassy.
Thomas and the Mock-Ups launched into the next set with a vigour while my

good friends, fellow muso's and world travellers
Graeme and Lisa Merry enjoy a pint and a cuddle. Great to see you again guys!

By now the pace was quickening, or more likely I was 'slowing' and didn't get the name of this outfit, but nonetheless the crowd were enjoying it and included

another good friend
Choreographer and Dance Supremo Julie Storey,

and this
Bunch of Visitors who seemed to be taking enjoying themselves to another level.

The last band I saw were
The Mum Jums which was probably due to the fine work

of volunteers
Rosie & her Crew keeping my glass topped up and the nibbles coming all afternoon and evening.

I don't know if
Paramedic Adrian Baker was waiting for me, but I opted for the taxi.
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank EVERYONE connected with this wonderful weekend, Organisers, Artistes, Volunteers and the Crowd who were only Hell Bent on having a Good Time. Thanks also for the All Areas Pass and looking forward to 2012. XXX
With time now getting short and my backpack yet to be topped up, it's quickly onto today's finding which were, as in recent days, a little sparse.

The Top Fields seemed to be alive with young Blue and
Great Tits

while a pair of
Swallows seem to have taken up residence in on of the horse stalls.

At the Observatory there was little news except for a trickle of Manx Shearwaters, Guillemots, Razorbills and Gannets, with this
Common Whitethroat being plucked out of one of the mist nets.

House Martins are still doing well up by The Barns,

and while calling in to say goodbye to The Secret Lemonade Drinker (Gary White) he found this young
Blackbird in his garden.

The day ended with one hell of a bang as right out of the blue, and at least 15 years since I last saw them my Best Man and Long Time Shipmate
Graham Colson & his wife Lucy suddenly turned up on my doorstep. Any other day we would have done dinner, but with the impending trip we simply enjoyed an hour together, with plans to meet again on my return. - Looking forward to that already!