The temperature guage outside of the cabin said +15C, but stepping outside it felt a lot colder than that. Not to worry, the sun was shining, it wasn't raining so a fine day for taking a look around the town.

Spent domestic fuel awaiting collection by the Coal Man.

Now they say "Dog Eat Dog" but I get the feeling this pooch won't see the end of the next box of Winalot?

An ornate garden gate took my eye, pity about the photo!

Looking around the town is all well and good until you spot a clump of trees and hear birdsong. Magpies abound here and almost every tree had a nesting pair.
JAPANESE PYGMY WOODPECKER only had the small camera with me, but feel we'll do better later in the trip, and a 'Lifer' at that.
Guemhakean Mountain surely worth a look up top?

Half way up and your half way down.

A nice Monument'

A veiw from the top - well almost?

A frosen Waterfall.


This is far from being a 'hick town', in fact I think it has a lot going for it.

Maybe with the exception of all the dead fish.

On the street where you live. My hotel is the building on the left with aeriels.

As ever I found the local market the most interesting.

Steaming some Korean bread, delicious, spongy and light and filled with bean curd yum, yum.

A example of what lies within.

This steam driven contraption is turning out CD size Rice Cakes,

if you look closely you can see one flying through the air just left of the puff of steam. The stallholder kindly gave me 3 freebies, yum, yum again.

and my favourite of them all the Fishmonger,

complete with curried Sea Lice, I often wondered where the term Flied Lice came from.

Finally, lovely aromas coming from the Spice Rack.