It seems alien sitting indoors in the morning, but the abysmal weather has prevented any sensible 'birding'. Hoping for a lull this afternoon, to catch the ebb at Ferry Bridge, I'll utilise the time to bring you the final photographs in the Gulls of the World series. 36 of the 54 (self accepted) species have been represented in this montage, with a further 3 (Franklin's, Grey and Olrog's Gulls) only committed to 35mm film which I am unable to upload despite scanning. Please note, this Blog is not about accolade, but a chance to share a part of my life with a few like minded people. However, the few responses to my efforts so far have been unanimously positive and I have had a couple of requests to follow the Gulls with Waders. This I will be delighted to do in the days to come. Finally, it would be of great help and interest if all my readers could register as 'Followers' (just follow the links) as particularly whilst I'm away it would be good to hear, occasionally, what you lot are up to, a Blog should be a 2 way street. Any comments, withing the bounds of Google rules, would also be more than welcome.
Ferry Bridge this afternoon 13-00 to 15-30 included, 76 Ringed Plover, 51 Dunlin, 2 Sanderling, 20 Turnstone, 4 Knot, a Whimbrel, plus an assortment of Gulls several juveniles.
Ferry Bridge this afternoon 13-00 to 15-30 included, 76 Ringed Plover, 51 Dunlin, 2 Sanderling, 20 Turnstone, 4 Knot, a Whimbrel, plus an assortment of Gulls several juveniles.
Note on the last species: I have never been totally happy with my identification of this individual, as is often the case the image didn't represent the true colour of the bird. I noted at the time that the mantle and upper wing coloration was far lighter than the representation and so would welcome the views of any Gulloholics out there. My (open) view is that it is Larus cachinans atlantis????
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