Its now 22-00, we are uo at 03-15 and Im having to use the office computer in the hotel office and have no idea where all the keys are, so this will be short and in some respecrs inaccurate, We left Cali at 05-30 this morning for Robert Oelmans house, where he regularly attracts as many as 25 species of Hummingbird. For us there were only to be 10, but who could complain at that when no fewer that 8 are lifers. At midday we took a fuel and supermarket stop, after which we headed to La Guna de Sonso where, before Id even left the bus, Steve Bird was calling Stydian Owl. What a huge beauty, not to mention bonus, but that was not to be all, he then went on to find a Common (Grey) Potoo in the same tree. Not to be outdone his partner and co leader found a Common Nighthawk, and we hadnt left the tree. In all we amassed 96 species for the day, 19 of them lifers for me. As well as the full trip list, which I hope to update daily, there are also a few Hummer photos to publish, but that may take a few days. The itinerary until Thursday includes night hops to different accommodation, then we should have 3 full days and nights without change. Maybe it will be then. The camera still continues to play uo, despite the help of fellow birders, but Ill keep working on it. Wish I knew where that apostrphy is! Good night.
Neotropic (Olivaceous) Cormorant
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