It felt as though the wind had backed towards the north a couple of 'points' or three (a 'point' on a mariners compass being eleven and a quarter degrees) this morning, and with no change in strength plus very little cloud it also felt colder. A good start to the day at Longcroft where at least 6 Goldcrest were in full song and added to the list, while Radipole Nature Reserve produced nothing new among the small numbers of everything especially Ducks. The walk along the sea front to Lodmoor was a blustery one, and as a result all the waterfowl there seemed to have left. During the week there have been as many as 40 Great Crested Grebes, but these like the pair shown are surely heading for breeding grounds now.
At Lodmoor 3 species joined the Year List in quick succession, Little Egret, Curlew (surely a migrant) plus Raven, and as I completed the full circular walk a fly-over Common Buzzard joined them. Before departing a Chiffchaff was calling from the bushes adjacent to the sea, so this too could easily have just arrived from the near continent?
That's when I had to get on with the really interesting part of the day - shopping! Apart from having to replace some household items, there was the small matter of my Mammut walking boots which started to disintegrate just 3 weeks into my last trip. I tell you this as, returning them to Great Western Camping in Dorchester and received some of the best service I've had (in this country) for many a day. Not having the exact replacement, I was offered a far more expensive pair, at no extra cost, and when these didn't suit the cheaper pair I opted for was accompanied by a credit note for the difference. Couple this with the polite and attentive service of the staff, here's one kid who'll be heading back when the need arises.
At Lodmoor 3 species joined the Year List in quick succession, Little Egret, Curlew (surely a migrant) plus Raven, and as I completed the full circular walk a fly-over Common Buzzard joined them. Before departing a Chiffchaff was calling from the bushes adjacent to the sea, so this too could easily have just arrived from the near continent?
That's when I had to get on with the really interesting part of the day - shopping! Apart from having to replace some household items, there was the small matter of my Mammut walking boots which started to disintegrate just 3 weeks into my last trip. I tell you this as, returning them to Great Western Camping in Dorchester and received some of the best service I've had (in this country) for many a day. Not having the exact replacement, I was offered a far more expensive pair, at no extra cost, and when these didn't suit the cheaper pair I opted for was accompanied by a credit note for the difference. Couple this with the polite and attentive service of the staff, here's one kid who'll be heading back when the need arises.
A few further 'common' bird images for our overseas friends.
Followed by a few local scenes.
Hi Paul!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
You still remember the lad from Holland?
I've been reading your blog for a while and I think it is a great blog. I recently started my own:
The winter in the netherlands has been severe and it brought us some good winter birds. Also we've had rarities such as Oriental turtle dove and Baltimore Oriole.
How was your winter?
Best regards,
Fabian Meijer
The Netherlands
Good to here from you Fabian
ReplyDeleteAs I'd planned to be in sunnier parts for most of the English winter, I can only tell you second hand. My friends reported one of the coldest in recent times, but in true Dorset fashion Weymouth & Portland were spared much of the icy blast. You've had some good birds and a look at the Blog will show the latest addition to the Dorset list.
Of course I remembered you, there seem to be so few 'younger' birders about, but maybe it's something that comes with maturaty. Hope to see you again soon.