Having returned home quite late yesterday evening, from our dinner at the Swan, the completion of the Blog was a little hurried hence a few more mistakes than usual. More for the benefit of my family, there are others as well as Sibbo, that I should have mentioned such as Fred & Tina, Merv and Alan and Val.

PS - Hope you and Marion had a safe trip home John, and will see you later in the year.
Leaving home at 06-30 the weather had once again turned chill with the wind having veered to the north east, but the first feature to be noticed where the number of vapour trails left by jet airliners now back in business, after the Icelandic volcano. With only the first Radipole Lesser Whitethroat I have seen this year and c3 Common Sandpiper in the book, things did hot up a little when I encountered Danny (whatever his name is) responsible in part for Public Relations at the Radipole Visitor's Centre. Almost ignoring my greeting, he soon turned on me with a tirade of abuse, not as you might think given the current circumstance about the Sand Martin Wall, but about me making criticism of his colleagues. In his punctuated outbursts, each time turning to go after a verbal volley, he turned on 2 occasions with fists raised (not a good idea) which I took as both belligerent and offensive. Immediately after this incident I did look for the police, without success, but rest assured if there is a repeat of this offensive behaviour strong actions will follow.
At Lodmoor the situation was quite different, which has been the case over the last few weeks, with once again all 8 Warblers either being seen or vocal along with c22 Dunlin, c3 Common Sandpiper, c3 Sandwich Terns, c3 Whimbrel, c2 Black-tailed Godwit and a single Lesser Whitethroat.
Crossing Ferry Bridge the wind was cutting like a knife, but at least there were some birds to see. A group of c6 Little Terns were flying up the Fleet, while another single remained on on of the small boat buoys. There were also c4 Common plus c2 Sandwich Terns, but not a sniff of a Wader.
At Barleycrates, things started with a real bang as I got straight into a singing Nightingale, but was unable to see it, while close by there were a dozen Wheatear, c2 male Redstart, a Whinchat, c3 female Blackcap in the same bush and a single Yellow Wagtail flying overhead.
Crossing Ferry Bridge the wind was cutting like a knife, but at least there were some birds to see. A group of c6 Little Terns were flying up the Fleet, while another single remained on on of the small boat buoys. There were also c4 Common plus c2 Sandwich Terns, but not a sniff of a Wader.
At Barleycrates, things started with a real bang as I got straight into a singing Nightingale, but was unable to see it, while close by there were a dozen Wheatear, c2 male Redstart, a Whinchat, c3 female Blackcap in the same bush and a single Yellow Wagtail flying overhead.

As if that were not enough, when I arrived at the top of Sweethill I could see to the east HMS Ark Royal steering a course in my direction. Unfortunately, this was short lived as she turned about and headed for St Alban's Head.

As I neared home, I bumped into 'guitar hero' Robbie McIntosh who had just beaten the 'dust cloud' returning home from the USA where once again he has been backing (lead & slide guitars plus backing vocals) new US sensation John Mayer With a ball breaking schedule through the US and Canada, Robbie returns home for a few precious days R&R before flying to New Zealand next Monday for the Antipodean / Far East leg of the tour. With no break in between, they then come to Europe including a few dates in the UK. Keen to get a couple of gigs in at No6 he tells me, "that will have to wait a few more weeks yet".

has Tony invited Marvin back to Weymouth?
ReplyDeleteMr Hagler has visited GB but not sure of detail. Expect when he visits Sibbo next it will be in Leicester, I have a loose invitation to meet him but on an as, when and if convenient basis. I feel it may be some while! I'll get an update next time I see him.
ReplyDeleteYours aye