With nothing of significance to report on the Blog today, unless you include a lunchtime pint with Ted King & Vera Powell at The Swan, I'll get straight on to one I made earlier!
The following 2 photographs were taken in a private garden in Portland in early July this year. A strange occurrence, to say the least, but no one has any delusions about it being a wild bird, it has obvious escaped from somewhere. This is the second 'Weaver' to have been seen on Portland (see below) but regardless of provenance a beautiful bird to see.
The following 2 photographs were taken in a private garden in Portland in early July this year. A strange occurrence, to say the least, but no one has any delusions about it being a wild bird, it has obvious escaped from somewhere. This is the second 'Weaver' to have been seen on Portland (see below) but regardless of provenance a beautiful bird to see.

The family Ploceidae, or Weavers, are small passerine birds related to the Finches. Seed-eating with rounded conical bills, most of which breed in sub-Saharan Africa, with fewer species in tropical Asia and also in Australia. The Weaver group is divided into the Buffalo, Sparrow, Typical and Widow Weavers. The males of many species are brightly coloured, usually in red or yellow and black, and are often alone in construction of their 'woven' grass nests from which the name was derived. On the subject of nests, each species weaves a separately identifiably shaped nest which can aid the identification of the bird.
One of the best days we've had so far as 'readership' is concerned, thanks for all your support.
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and finally, on my way home today I received an invitation to attend the ceremony of 'Splice the Mainbrace' at the Corner House, Straights, Portland on Saturday 31st July 2010. There was nothing in the Royal Navy that was surrounded by so much attention to detail and formality than the daily 'rum ration'. I have often promised myself that I would one day write down the full traditions of what ceased to exist on 16th June 1970, the reason I tell people for my leaving the Navy? More will be reveled closer to the time.
Let it be known by this proclamation that all Seafarers, members and ex-members of Her Britannic Majesty’s Royal Navy including members of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Royal Naval Reserve, Women’s Royal Naval Service, and other diverse organisations, together with members and ex-members of the other Armed Forces, the Royal British Legion, and the Royal Naval Association, and also any other interested civilians who may wish to attend, take part in, and imbibe of the ancient and revered occasion of Splice the Mainbrace which will be ceremoniously conducted together with various historical lectures and competitions in aid of the local Royal National Lifeboat Institute on Saturday 31st July 2010 at 14.30 or 5 bells of the afternoon watch at The Corner House Inn, in The Straits on Portland, to mark the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the stopping of the daily issue of 1/8 of an Imperial pint of Rum to the Royal Navy.
Precedence will be given to the more senior attendees who drew a daily tot during their Naval career. Most especially welcome are holders of crossing the line and/or blue nose certificates, three-badgemen, ratings whose Service Certificates have no corner, anyone who has, or has had, a blue station card, members of the Fleet Air Arm whether or not their front line time has included a Warship, members of the Submarine Service as long as they are in date for a proper (ie non-birdbath) dhobi, Royal Marines, no matter which instrument they play, Blazer owning Field Gunners, with or without all appendages, Regulars and Irregulars of the Corner House Inn, Gentlemen (or Ladies) with more than 12 tattoos which are spelt correctly, Uckers (Ludo Navy Rules) Grand Masters, Scurry faced B*****ds, and in fact pretty much anybody.
D'ya Hear There!
Let it be known by this proclamation that all Seafarers, members and ex-members of Her Britannic Majesty’s Royal Navy including members of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Royal Naval Reserve, Women’s Royal Naval Service, and other diverse organisations, together with members and ex-members of the other Armed Forces, the Royal British Legion, and the Royal Naval Association, and also any other interested civilians who may wish to attend, take part in, and imbibe of the ancient and revered occasion of Splice the Mainbrace which will be ceremoniously conducted together with various historical lectures and competitions in aid of the local Royal National Lifeboat Institute on Saturday 31st July 2010 at 14.30 or 5 bells of the afternoon watch at The Corner House Inn, in The Straits on Portland, to mark the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the stopping of the daily issue of 1/8 of an Imperial pint of Rum to the Royal Navy.
Precedence will be given to the more senior attendees who drew a daily tot during their Naval career. Most especially welcome are holders of crossing the line and/or blue nose certificates, three-badgemen, ratings whose Service Certificates have no corner, anyone who has, or has had, a blue station card, members of the Fleet Air Arm whether or not their front line time has included a Warship, members of the Submarine Service as long as they are in date for a proper (ie non-birdbath) dhobi, Royal Marines, no matter which instrument they play, Blazer owning Field Gunners, with or without all appendages, Regulars and Irregulars of the Corner House Inn, Gentlemen (or Ladies) with more than 12 tattoos which are spelt correctly, Uckers (Ludo Navy Rules) Grand Masters, Scurry faced B*****ds, and in fact pretty much anybody.
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