The predicted rain started the moment I left home this morning, but unfortunately was not accompanied by the also promised high wind. It was hoped that this, coupled with stormy conditions in the Western Approaches overnight my have encouraged something interesting to fly over Ferry Bridge (such as a Skua or Petrel) or better still, settle. Unfortunately, the first thing that met my eye, before even reaching the cemetery, was the short line of Elm trees that once stood by the side of the road had been felled! All had scummed to the dreaded Dutch Elm Disease and were probable in danger of falling into the adjacent school grounds, but nonetheless had been (along with an overgrowth of Ivy and Bramble) the regular nesting site of Blackcap, Song Thrush, Chaffinch and Blackbird at the very least.
It would seem that the rain was encouraging bird-song as the graveyard was full of vocalists, not least Great & Blue Tit but the third most active species, and very welcome too, was Goldcrest. Most of the pines seemed to be hosting a number whilst an adult Robin, also vocal, continued to feed a juvenile.
It would seem that the rain was encouraging bird-song as the graveyard was full of vocalists, not least Great & Blue Tit but the third most active species, and very welcome too, was Goldcrest. Most of the pines seemed to be hosting a number whilst an adult Robin, also vocal, continued to feed a juvenile.
The Rodwell Trail was also full of song proving particularly that the numerous Wrens haven't gone away but just remained silent of late, and the tunnel of trees gave some shelter from the rain by now getting even harder. At Ferry Bridge the bows of the small boats were all still on an easterly heading, indicating the 'flood' was still in progress but this was short lived as I reached the Fleet Reserve Visitor's Centre. Here the overhang of the building affords some protection from the elements and with the variable wind remaining in the southern quarter it was quite comfortable scanning what birds were there. As yesterday an array of Mediterranean Gulls, sporting just about every plumage phase in the range, were again accompanied by 50 or so Black-headed Gulls and maybe as many as 200 mixed Dunlin and Ringed Plover with the occasional Turnstone.

PS:- The Murrelet is the only one of the 5 species featured that has not been recorded in Dorset.
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