Kuwait becomes country number 139 to joined the readership this week represented by 5 individual readers. Each country is equally welcome to the Blog, but I do sometimes wonder how the link clues up with a particular nation. I still have fond memories of a couple of visits to this fine land back in 1965/66 and hope that our new readers will pass the link on to Families and Friends.
As far as 'birding' was concerned today and despite an early run to Portland the morning can be described in 3 words Nada, Nothing, Zilch! The weather featured more of the same with threatening looking clouds occasionally giving way to short periods of sunshine

but at Ferrybridge all of interest was the Maltese registered Cruise Sailer 'Sea Cloud'.

Across Top Fields and onward towards the
Bird Observatory (all white lighthouse) and
Portland Bill all that went into the log were a few Swallows, House Martins, Whitethroat and a single Common Buzzard. Returning to the weather all fingers are crossed for a 'rainless' couple of days as at noon precisely

the 2 day
Weymouth Quayside Rock Festival commenced. There was time for me to visit Vinny the Chip and avail myself of a 'Moby Dick and a ton of Spuds' as lunch before heading home to change and get down to the gig. Dependant on libation there will be a full report to follow, either this evening or tomorrow. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!
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