also known as the Beaver State
This early part of the journey was always going to be very much confined to the 'concrete jungle' or on long transits via the Greyhound service, today was no exception. Having literally 'twitched' both Utah and Idaho spending naught but a couple of hours in their capitals Salt Lake City and Boise respectively, it was then a mammoth 15 hour haul firstly across the south western portion of the Rocky Mountains then across hilly grass lands and scrub to get back to the coast. At 03:00 we finally made it to Portland, Oregon where initially I had decided to continue on to the shores of the Pacific Ocean by way of 2 further, but much shorter, bus rides to Medford in the same State.

Just a few shots from the Greyhound.

The names the same, while in Portland I met up with a few very charming people (especially the gentleman in Starbucks who got me 'on line') who I promised to publish a few photos of the Isle of Portland in Dorset, my home. Here they are girls and boys.

The confluence of the
Willamette and Columbia Rivers flow through the heart of Portland City.
Portland Bill, Dorset.

Some of the fishing docks
Willamette River.
Portland Bird Observatory, once an active lighthouse.

US Naval Base, today being guarded by no fewer than 5 boats from the Sheriffs Office and the US Coast Guard, all equipped with heavy machine guns (had to be a bit careful which way I pointed the camera!
Cheyne House near Sweethill Village, Portland, Dorset.
a few more window shots as we traversed what was the original 'Oregon Trail'.

A cargo vessel heads up the Kalama River,

as a few
Hell's Angels overtake the coach.

I though they were taking me back to the Oil Rig when I saw this sign!
Eventually, mainly due to a far more convenient bus service, I headed north instead and by 14:30

I was in
Seattle, Washington State.
Nicknamed the Evergreen State
Seattle Skyline

and extensive

and 'space age' 2 section
Sports Stadium that literally pulls apart.

That's when I met my 'Guardian Angels'
Micheal and Cheryl trying to find my way to the suburb of

Not only did they show me down the Metro Light Railway and getting my ticket, but stayed with me all of the 30 minute journey then drove me to the center of town. Thank You both again so very much for your kindness, and I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow. Readers will learn what that means TOMORROW!

Now here's something you may not have known, I didn't, but you can get a hotel room at the princely sum of $133, at least you can in Renton. I asked several people about a Motel but couldn't believe it when they said no such thing exists. Asking a bus driver the same, he said he had never seen a Hotel in the town and he was near enough right. As far as I could establish this town has just a single hotel, and that's the price - 'Hobson's Choice'! Anyway, it's about time for a bit of luxury, and Micheal and Cheryl had also put me onto Lake Washington, just 3 mile out of town, where I might see some birds - yipeeeee!
Immediately, there were a few Gulls to be seen, but as has been my experience in the past this coast is a nightmare of identifying such things as so much 'hybridisation' occurs, but here goes.

With some traces of grey in the mantle / upper wings I would go for Glaucous-winged Gull second / third summer.

and a first calender year Glaucous-winged Gull.

American Herring Gull (adult)

American Herring Gull (third summer)
Anyway, think I'll seek the advice of Messrs Stanley, Harris. Chown
et al to put me right, send me an E-mail with your opinions please.
White-crowned Sparrow
Canada Goose maybe about as 'wild' as those on Lodmoor, and I'm not even in Canada yet!

A bit better shot than the effort a few days ago of
American Crow.

First there was one
Osprey, then

there were 2

A very distant
Rufous-sided Towhee

A nice little Trio, maybe inspired by Elizabeth Frink?
Glaucous-winged Gull first summer?
Red-winged Blackbird adult male.
Red-winged Blackbird juvenile.
Belted Kingfisher
Song Sparrow (back)

(side) and

(front). In addition to these, there was also Pine Siskin, Black-capped Chickadee, Tree Swallow and a few short glimpses of a Wrentit none of which fell to the lens or were 'lifers'.
Trip List = 83 World Lifers = 10 this includes the overlooked Red-crowned Parrot in Mexico.
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