As far as long haul is concerned my trip home was more or less without a hitch, and a great story to relate, and while not wishing to sound like a UK basher, it's only when you reach Heathrow that everything turns to 'rat sh*t'. OK, not having checked in on-line I had to run the gauntlet with the airline 'check- in clerk' who would not be moved regarding consigning my (wheely) back pack to the hold, I don't remember ever having my luggage taken from me on any flight before except in Tokyo when they wouldn't allow my tripod in the cabin. Re-jigging my bag I returned to check-in to find a different lady who was equally determined that the bag was heading for the hold, but did placate me by seating me at a window at the emergency exit. These days seats with much more leg room command an extra tariff, in this instance Aus$ 160 (£102 GB), but there was no charge on this occasion.

You may find this part of the story interesting enough not to skip?
The 8 hour leg Sydney to Bangkok was a dream with exceptional service from the cabin crew, decent food, a drop of wine and no delays but most importantly no need to remove our belonging when the plane was cleaned and re-crewed in Bangkok unlike the outbound journey. That done, we re-boarded to be met by an announcement from the Captain saying there had been a fuel spill resulting in a short delay, but by this time I had switched off and simply waited to go. However, with close on 350 passengers onboard there was the inevitable mutterings, but that was when one of the male cabin crew singled me out (reason not known), crouched in front of me and simply enquire "do you drink wine sir"? Many of you will know the answer to that, as he went on to ask if I had a preference of grape variety. For easy drinking I told him that Merlot would be a choice, but in recent years I had graduated closer to Malbec due to the time I have spent in Argentina. "Unfortunately we don't have either of those, so would you like a Shiraz or a Cabinet"? Either would be fine, and he headed off towards the front of the aircraft. By this time the passengers around me were looking a little miffed, but even more so when he returned with not one but two 'proper' wine glasses announcing that as I couldn't make my mind up he had brought me both and asking my opinion of them later in the flight.
Latest Statistics
With Cuba having joined our ranks on 28 July, preceded by American Samoa, Senegal, Grenada, and Botswana, the Stat Counter continues to increase in leaps and bounds. We have never witnessed a country reach the 10,000 readers mark but as UK numbers swell it may not be to long before we do. As can be seen the USA have also reached 'four figures' with a further 8 nations making the 'trebles', and if they're not careful Italy look like joining them soon.
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Please keep logging in and please pass the link to ALL your friends.
Your log size of 25,000 has 13,736 entries.
PS - There will be no time for 'resting on Laurals' as my Next Adventure commences TOMORROW
That male cabin crew member, what a perceptive individual, he has obviously been reading your blog Paul. Welcome back.
ReplyDeleteThanks Roy, good to hear from you. Off again today, but this time driving but intend calling in at each off-licence as I pass to see if there are any 'freebie'. You know it makes sense Rodney!