Today's post is mostly about yesterday which was Wedding Day for my friends Jon Storey and Sally Marsden. The ceremony was held at the new Weymouth Registry Office now located within the Adult Education Centre on Dorchester Road, and they had the honour of being the first couple to 'plight their troth' in these new surroundings.

With no 'birding' and most of the morning given over to 'preening' my outing could hardly have started better that to take lunch with these 2 lovely ladies
Jill and Lesley. Unusually, I had curry and with an excellent bottle of Rosé to accompany it was sprinting blocks nailed in for a great afternoon/evening.

And all the bells were ringing twas a great day in his life, for the songs that they were singing was for Jon Storey and his wife. And the little congregation hoped for guidance from above,

lead us not into temptation, let us bless this celebration may their lives be filled with love!
The 3 Bells - Jim Reeves
Get Me To The Church On Time - Stanley Hollowaya slightly pensive Jon awaits.
Here Comes the Bride - Trad.
Accompanied by eldest son Paul.

"and so Sally can't wait, but
Don't Look Back in Anger I hear you say!" -
The 'Ring' - Wagner
Sealed With A Kiss - Brian Hyland
The Sign - Ace of Base
We Are Family - Sister Sledge
Celebration - Kool & the Gang

Very Special Guests (at least I thought so)
Yours Truly & Lesley Brown

Let the party commence, Bride, Groom and Guests muster at the Park Hotel.
Dean Martin, Phil Armstrong & Lady Friend
Tina & Rob landlords of the Three Compasses, Charminster where the last Storey 'bash' was held, his 50th on that occasion.
Such gatherings of the 'musical elite' (and there have been a few over the years) never fails to remind me of the 'Bonzo' spoof (Intro & Outro)

Jonathon Arthur on Gibson Guitar,

step forward the
Mighty Danny Adams on Base Guitar,
Quasimodo on Bells
Peter Smith on Stools (just watch my pint Smudge),
J Arthur Rank on Gong
Temporarily redundant TV actor, Stuntman & Movie Stand-in
Dean Martin on the Dole,
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on Triangle,
Jaymz Perry on 'skins',
Roy Rogers on Trigger

step up World Renowned Duo
Figgy & Rob Scriven on Maracas & Mic's,
The Dagenham Girl Pipers (feat. the Queen Mother on Bagpipes)
taking the day off,

an Appreciative Audience on the PISH,
The Happy Couple on the Dance Floor
and finally a special guest appearance, for one night only,
Adolf Hitler on Glockenspiel
As for today, the only photograph worthy of publication was this
Little Grebe, one
of a number

now all in 'winter plumage. Otherwise, 4 Brent Geese flying over the cemetery were the first I have recorded at that site ('Tick'), while at the Bill there was the sighting of my first autumn Redwing, along with a few Swallows, Siskins, Skylark and Pied Wagtails.
and finally, just one of a number of responses to the Hazel O;Connor "Will You?" post.
Hi Bagsy,
Hope all is good with you. I feel I ought to apologise for not getting in contact more often, however your recent music- related comments have forced my hand! 'Will You?' by Hazel O'Connor is quite simply stunning. The track first came to my attention in the early eighties as it was much played by my late sister and I've adored it ever since- every note is etched on my memory and the saxophone is beyond compare. I occasionally ask acquaintances which track they would choose to hear if they were allowed only one more in this life and invariably they cannot come up with a definite answer, however, for me there is only one and this is it!!!
All the best and hopefully we will meet at the next mega,
Mark Forster
and finally, finally
It has just been announced that Liam Fox the Defence Secretary has resigned from Cabinet. His brother was my boss for a short period while working in the North Sea, all I can say on the strength of that is "I'm not surprised!"
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