There is a small slow flowing river runs through the campus, with a series of road bridges which serve perfectly as vantage points. It was the one on the main road I headed for first thing, with my first encounter being with

This man taking his Little Red Rooster for a walk. This is not to be confused with Walking the Dog by Rufous Thomas.

Under these bridges, and on a couple of Uni buildings with over-hangs are dozens of Red-rumped (Striated) Swallow nests, but that wasn't what I'd come to see.

Soon enough the first of the very tiny birds turned up, a male

not an 'endemic', but

a 'Lifer' for me. It was quite a while before the next showed, but I'm still not absolutely certain of identification, so as the jury is still out I will claim a putative
(a 'Lifer if confirmed)

There was also plenty of opportunity to enjoy some of the magnificent trees

which are scattered all over the site, before a pair of

landed in a distant tree and started a matting ritual

followed by the inevitable.
Ah, that's better!

Next was another of what are the smallest birds here, and another male, this time a
another 'endemic' which for some reason or other

was reluctant to give a view of the upper-works.

White-collered Kingfishers were again active along the river,

and if only I could get a shot, or video, of these very showy birds in flight.

A pair of Grey Wagtail were also present, but

there was only a most pathetic attempt at a colourful yet tiny Hawk-Moth.

If my memory serves me (which it only does from time to time) this is the first REPTILE photo

of the trip, and a most obliging individual it was.

Time to wander a little further afield,

past the waiting 'Push Bike Taxis'

and into more open country.

The reader will get some idea of just how pristine and vast the forest is from here.

A 'Skipper' type Butterfly and this

were seen, while not a day goes by when TREE SPARROW is not noted.

Back at the main RECREATION AREA there seemed to be something going on over at the PAVILION and on investigation

found this bevy of Young Ladies preparing things for the up-coming TRI-ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE, involving all Provinces across the Philippines.

Within was a huge Hall complete with seating, where I was told the Conferance starts tomorrow.

Complete with microphones, drums, the odd guitar etc, no guessing where I might be tomorrow!
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