We start today with not the best of shots, but one that has beaten me as far as identification is concerned. There are a few of you out there who seem to have quite taken to the odd Mystery Bird, so as usual answers on an E-mail please.
After another night of torrential rain I started the day again at The Jelai Resort with only 3 fellow cameramen in company, so there was room to swing a lens. A great start as this

put in a very brief appearance adding to the World List as did a
MOUNTAIN TAILORBIRD on the walk up from the hotel. There was not a lot of difference in species today, but what did show allowed for slightly better photographs all round, starting with both

male and


along with an obliging STREAKED SPIDERHUNTER showing off to good advantage its 'upper-work's.

This most amazing
BLUE BEE was buzzing around for most of the early part of the morning.

reminding me of the almost metallic blue or green ORCHID BEES of southern parts of Africa.
is also a recent addition but today this individual lingered long enough just for the 'record shot.

LONG-TAIL SIBIA has now become a daily favourite, with small mobs of birds turning up

wherever you go. Today, one or two were feeling photogenic.

Similarly both male

and female LARGE NILTAVA were in fine form

the lady even allowing brief glimpses of her attractive blue neck band.

Birds now being seen daily include JAVAN CUCKOOSHRIKE and

FIRE-TUFTED BARBET neither of which could I get fed up with in a hurry. Back for a substantial breakfast and then taking some of Durai's advice I started a walk down the hill. His estimate of reaching level ground is 8 hours but I didn't intend walking that long, in fact I reached the 8Km marked before deciding to turn back. This had been a seriously steep 'downhill' walk, during which time another 'Lifer' joined the ranks, a lovely

which apart from quiet a number of GOLDEN BABBLER plus 3
LITTLE CUCKOO DOVE were the only birds seen.

There was still wonderment in a few forest BLOOMS,

and how the hell do these vines form a loop like this?
Arriving back at the hotel for that much needed refreshing shower and dinner I encountered 3 Dutch lads mulling over their days findings, as they too were birders. This chance meeting turned into yet another major Turning Point in the trip and one I'm never likely to forget!
Time for a few more Insects I fancy and again they are made up of mostly Moths.

The way back up was far easier and a good deal faster as the 'second' car I 'hitched' did the business.

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