Tuesday 10 November 2020

Much Binding in the Marsh - 1940’s / 50’s Radio Show

 The Weather Forecaster’s, who are usually in the region of 75% accurate these days, had predicted a 45% chance of rain in our neck of the woods so thought decent enough odds to take another wander off-piste! Had there been similar traffic warning we most certainly would not have set off but the decision had been made. Only a 25 minutes drive from base on familiar roads


is usually no problem but getting nearer every road appeared to barriered with diversions in place - off-putting to say the least! The main thrust here was a single rare bird and an opportunity to view a few common species which are either infrequent visitors to our 'patch' or have never been recorded there and some never likely to be. We did however kick off with the familiar as it seemed almost mandatory to click the


as some sort of right of passage onto the reserve.

Hardly through the kissing gate, next came a decent number of
a species that has been recorded just on a single, spotted by the keen-eyed Dave Foot as a small
flock in flight during one of his Mothing visits.
It is very much hoped that we see more of Both in the very near future!
(don't look likely do it?)

 By the caccophony of shrill and loud whistles coming from seaward the many dozens of

were making no attempt to keep their prescence a secret mixed among small numbers of
another species, looking at it sensibly, that will not reach the Record Book locally.
Worthy of more time, the foreshore also produced
another trio that have not been known from our own air-space.
Back on the Salt Marsh both
were eating their fill while
redressing the ballance slightly as
occassional visitors to our own neck of the woods!
Passing the Visitor's Centre
where the sign clearly states
"Closed for the Immediate Future"
things looked bright but a further look to the west across the
and onward to
a whole different picture was being painted, the 45% was sureley on its way!
Stopping to Click a couple of the fine looking Ponies a glance was made towards
where the picture looked just as bleak - we were being surrounded, so time to step it out!
By no means brilliant views or for that matter Canon conditions,
as can be seen from the image above, we were lucky even to see the
let alone commit it to celuloid
 but nonetheless a most enjoyable morning!
FOOTNOTE:- While there was a little dip in the newfound and numerous hits, things seem to have leveled out at the higher standard. This, by defenition, means new Readers whom we very much welcome, but also politely request to pass our LINK on to all your addressees and others! Thanking you in anticipation - Bagsy.

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