Putting the geography to one side it was decided that 'Rare' should be more of a consideration than 'Location' as were soldiered on to the next 'goodie' and feel the 'press' would paint the picture far more elequently that myself so will hand over to them.
A confiding 'first winter'
has become something of a regular and most obliging fixture in
since its discovery there on 17 March - the second record of this species at the site in the past 12 months.
The bird has seemingly settled at the site, which has track record of rare and scarce gulls down the years, many of which are enticed to the area by the fish market and associated trawlers. Photos from local birders suggest it is an especially tame individual, often performing down to a few feet in and around the harbour.
(background)(ours foreground)R.N.L.I. LIFEBOATEntering HarbourIt's that
Gull AgainBring in the NewRing out the Old
when the Boat comes in".
Apart from other Gulls the only other bird seen was this rather strikingFERAL PIGEONand just time for one moreClose Up!
Having inadvertantly left my tripod in the car thisADMIRALTY PATTERN ANCHOR
with wooden surround proved to be a fine substitute.
Off for the final leg of the outing which will surely save until tomorrow,
If Oliver’s parents are reading this I would like to give him a gift. If acceptable maybe we could meet at the car park we were at on Sunday and you just state a time and date via this comment slot please.
CHEERS - Bagsy
Hi Bagsy, Oliver's dad here. We will be at the car park tomorrow between 10:15and 10:30. Best wishes