Monday 28 February 2022

When Will They Ever Learn - Pete Seegar

  from, Where Have all the Flowers Gone?

In SOLIDARITY with the people of UKRAINE we have plucked their national flag from our collection

of Countries Visited and placed it in a prominent position on the door.What else can you do?

 Before commencing our Daily Doings we have a couple of Catch-Ups to publish with the appearance and only a brief glimps of a 'brace' of

Fighter Jets which we might have captured ourselves had it not taken a full 10 minutes to rise from the couch, we have to thank the local aircraft photographic brigade for the ID on our description, while late afternoon the
flying to roost above the River Stour was not quite so lucky to avoid us!

Back to the day in question, which started with a -2°C and followed at 04:00 by a rendition from one of the local Tawny Owls, we were underway again at first light.

It has become custom at that time of day to be fore-warned by the honking of

presumed flying between roost and feeding grounds and even alighting on occassion.

A lucky strike at the main pond where this
had already secures its breakfast and where it was notced that the
Parrot Feather Pond Weed seems to be commenceing coverage far earlier than is usual?
Another minor 'stroke of luck' further south with a small influx of expected and welcome
had shown up, maybe as many as 30? while at the Irrigation Pond it was always considered that the absent male
was rather in hiding than having abandoned ship!
This proved to be right as it is spending much time among the dead reeds (left of centre) hopefully applying for a mortgage on a new nesting site?
Next door, where the 3rd COOT still lingers, love seemed in the air as one of the
was raising its wings slightly and flurrying its whiter tan white under-tail feathers in didplay.
The find of the day showed itself as we viewed one of the hard-standings in the
Solar Panel Compound
which shouldn't come as a surprise as they may be seen in the UK during any month of the year.
At the last knockings we found the company of the afore mentioned Photograph Phans who were waiting patiently for this
(bound for Barbados - they have all the info)
and the occassional
One of the group being an ex RN'er like myself which feels like there should be a visit to the
Pig and Whistle in the none to distant future?

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