Were we of a mind it might have been considered that Part I of the Haiti Trilogy, published last Sunday, was the catalist for yet another outbreak of severe violence and rampage in Port-au-Prince reported on the news the following day! We saw nothing of this during our 10 day's stay with the finales being firstly a visit to the embrionic Helicopter Pad being constructed by
Californinan Rowdy (second from left) and a roughly tacked together work force.
A 90 minute drive from the Eucalyptus Guest House
proved to be yet another eye-opener giving another insight
to the abject poverty
which covers the whole of this half of the Island of Hispaniola,
but not without one
Ray of Brilliant Sunshine!
Ray of Brilliant Sunshine!
"to see a fine lady ride on a white horse, rings on her fingers and bells on her toes she shall have music wherever she goes"!
View of the propossed site from the hill-top.
A severe backward step, a few weeks before my arrival, was a yet another
Minor Earthquake
which can be seen to have cause damage to this nearly completed building!
Clearance Work
Undamaged, something Concret to look back on,
while the only Bird Species to have been recorded here was something of a
while the only Bird Species to have been recorded here was something of a
Bell-Boy Charles, House-keeper Rita and His Truely the Master Mind behind the project. More Next Sunday.
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