Ille and I continued our mini Dorset Tour today at the north end of Portland. Tout Quarry is always a specialty for my friends so, after a quick look at the market at Ille's request, we headed for the great hole. Spotting a few of the random rock carvings, we were pleased to find the Stone Masons in residence and practicing their craft. From there it was Lano's Bridge which I understand was built by a quarryman of that name forming this beautifully symmetrical arc during his lunch breaks, completing his efforts in 1854. We traversed the path to the cliff where I covered Ille's eyes revealing the view of Lyme Bay when in the optimum position. We walked some of the west cliff, but the westerly wind was freshening all the time so we diverted towards St George's Church. Unfortunately, this is undergoing maintenance, with the scaffs hard at it, so was closed to visitors. A decent guide should always have a second option in the locker, so we decanted to the George pub for a pint and a packet of crisps. It had been a long time since my last visit, in fact 1985 when I lived in Reforne Close and it, along with the New Inn, Easton was my local. It brought back excellent memories of drinking with a good friend Malcolm Trent who covered many a sea mile with me. On one occasion we sat in the 'public', Malcolm totally besotted by the landlord's daughter Elaine Gilvere. All he could say to me was "isn't she gorgeous etc etc". I told him he was telling the wrong person, he should be saying it to her. A couple of pints later he plucked up the courage an a couple of years later they married.
And finally on the bus home, an ideal opportunity was taken to illustrate to Ille one of the great traits of English society. We had experienced long delays due to the resurfacing road works at the south end of Portland Road and I had explained how the public had complained bitterly about the road for many months and now at last it was being done. However, the conversation in the bus had now altered dramatically with suggestions that the delays were avoidable, we shouldn't have to put up with this, why can't they do it at night? Ask your average Council Tax payer for an extra quid a month to cover the night shift and I feel sure the response would be 100% agreeable????
And finally on the bus home, an ideal opportunity was taken to illustrate to Ille one of the great traits of English society. We had experienced long delays due to the resurfacing road works at the south end of Portland Road and I had explained how the public had complained bitterly about the road for many months and now at last it was being done. However, the conversation in the bus had now altered dramatically with suggestions that the delays were avoidable, we shouldn't have to put up with this, why can't they do it at night? Ask your average Council Tax payer for an extra quid a month to cover the night shift and I feel sure the response would be 100% agreeable????
The second and final look at the Penguins, ain't that Chinstrap something to behold, Charlie Chaplin on ice! (or gravel in this case)
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