Another quiet bird day in our locale, but Goldfinch and Wren were predominant in the cemetery where Blackbird, Wood Pigeon and Carrion Crow are busying themselves nest building. A / the Great Spotted Woodpecker was still in the area, albeit on the Radipole Reserve today, but there is still hope that they may set up home this side of the bye-pass. In addition to the GSW a Sparrowhawk was hunting over the reed beds, where a lone Swallow and c7 Sand Martin looked likely new arrivals. A couple of Chiffchaff and a single were the only other migrants found, but it is always good value to watch the likes of Moorhen, fanning their white tails, trying to attract the ladies. Arriving at the Westham sluices we were glad to see the underpass as the heavens opened and heavy rain persisted for 20 minutes, then seizing the moment we made a brisk walk for home.
Having collected a hire car up at 17-00 we were able to pick Nick up and together drive to Don & Liz's house for dinner. Only having taken over the house in the last year their hard and determined work has converted the old village shop into what must be the archetypal Dorset Bed & Breakfast, advert to follow. We sat down to a delicious antipasti, followed by quiche, home grown potatoes, coleslaw and salad. To finish there was creme brulee with Calvados and a fine French Brie plus some great conversation and anecdotes.
Nick & Caroline Tomlinson, left Liz and Don Moxom, Ille, Toby (the white dog) and I've forgotten the name of the black one. I of course am taking the photograph.
Being the only non-dog lover in the company, as is usual this is where Toby spent the full extent of the dinner, right between my feet.
'Dippers' is a large and spacious family home, standing in the picturesque West Dorset village of Uploaders, catering for the Bed & Breakfast trade. With a **** rating it has obviously impressed the inspection team, and this being my first visit I would happily become a customer despite Don & Liz being long standing, firm friends.
With limited facilities, this was the best I could do for a photograph of one of the 3 bedrooms, but go and see for yourself I feel sure you'll be both impressed and well care for!
Contact can be made at Liz and Don Moxom
42 Uploaders
Dorset - DT6 4PE
Tele: 01308 485504 Mob 07855344121
'Dippers' is a large and spacious family home, standing in the picturesque West Dorset village of Uploaders, catering for the Bed & Breakfast trade. With a **** rating it has obviously impressed the inspection team, and this being my first visit I would happily become a customer despite Don & Liz being long standing, firm friends.
42 Uploaders
Dorset - DT6 4PE
Tele: 01308 485504 Mob 07855344121
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