The sky was overcast and the wind light this morning with a chorus of bird song coming from the cemetery. Above it all we could hear a Great Spotted Woodpecker very likely prospecting a nest site, or attempting to attract a mate and having bred here in the past there's every chance they will do so again. Grey Squirrels were also active and in good numbers, otherwise it was the usual fare. Over at Radipole the only sign of migration were a few Chiffchaff and a lone Willow Warbler singing, as c3 Common Buzzard soared overhead. The bonus came by way of another, much closer, look at the Alpine Swift which was still flying over the Jubilee Sidings but never close enough for a photograph.
After that we decided to switch to Grockle mode allowing Ille a chance to look around the shops and visit some of the sights of Weymouth. We ended the morning with a pint in The Swan before heading home for lunch.
At 19-00 we made our way to No6 on King's Street hoping to catch the back end of Peter Smith's first venture into 'Live Jazz', but were just a little too late. We did however get chance to chat to a few of the musicians before we left for what was advertised as a 19-00 gig by Mockingbird at the Park Hotel, but this had been delayed until 20-30 inspiring us to return home.
and a few more shots from last nights Christmas Party
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